You have decided to launch a content marketing strategy to develop your brand awareness and generate leads. You have identified your persona, drawn the contours of your editorial line and wish to strengthen your brand's position by producing quality content. All the lights are green, so you only have to decide one thing: which agency will you work with to bring your project to fruition?
Implementing a content marketing strategy should align your marketing, communication and sales. The clear objective is to produce editorial content that is rich, informative and offers real added value in terms of advice to your readers. Under these conditions, your articles will be referenced by search engines, first and foremost Google, and will allow you to initiate your inbound marketing.
Your content is designed to reach both your prospects and your customers and get them to take action: contact you.
The creation of relevant content must be part of a more global digital strategy, relying on the right tools: a website optimised for content publication, a high-performance SEO module, tools for publishing and moderation on social networks, a solution for tracking and scoring visitors to your site and, of course, a CRM to aggregate the information collected and identify qualified leads. Your teams must have the will to transform the reader into a customer and be part of a content strategy that will promote lead nurturing.
Deploying content marketing is work that requires time and expertise. Generating traffic to your website requires tools and expertise that only an agency can offer. Some large companies are able to set up a dedicated service in-house, but this choice is not relevant for a SME.
An agency will understand your needs in order to develop the most relevant and effective content marketing strategy. It will take care of the production of content, the realization of computer graphics and videos, publish them on your website and on social networks in order to boost the traffic of your site. She will know how to place the call to action in the right place in order to bring your visitors to your landing pages and thus detect new commercial opportunities. Don't try to take the place of your agency, but rather think about focusing on your business. It will take care of adding value to your content and promote lead generation.
To be effective, the content marketing agency you choose should not be a supplier, a provider, but a partner of your company. It must be able to understand the codes of your industry and give meaning to the content it will produce on your behalf. It must be in a logic of creation and optimization.
Some limit the production of content to the work of a journalist, searching for the best keyword and producing text for google. This is a mistake. Your content agency must be in line with your identity, must be able to interest both your prospects and your customers. It must be able to offer you a clear editorial line, consistent with your brand and offer you precise objectives.
Your future customer may be just around the corner or halfway around the world. The objective is therefore for her to offer you quality content, which allows you to develop a relationship with your visitor, to engage him on a positive journey on your website to lead him to formalize his request or his need.
The first step is certainly research on the internet. An agency that wants to be an expert in content marketing must, at the very least, apply the advice it gives to itself. You've been recommended an agency and you can't find it on the net... go your own way. She hasn't done her evening homework or has a poor SEO. In both cases she is not the content agency you should choose and will not help you improve your conversion rate.
To put it simply, the rare pearl is the content agency that does the job well and with whom you feel confident..
Your agency must be able to present you with a project that makes sense. This project must be based on a solid editorial line and a tenable publication schedule. It is useless to promise to publish 5 articles a week if you can only devote time to proofreading one. The essential thing is not to publish often, but to be regular and above all to offer quality content. An agency doesn't make a bet by offering you this or that subject. It applies a method and relies on data analysis. This work will be of great benefit and will allow you to deploy inbound marketing adapted to your company.
Starting a content marketing project is often a brand new and exciting experience. After a few weeks, day-to-day management takes over and you end up lowering your ambitions.
Deploying a content marketing strategy takes time, both to produce the right items and to get results. It takes time to develop the right editorial strategy, write the articles, white papers, publish them on the blog, work on your SEO on the web. The quality of the work you do with your agency and the time you spend with it will have a direct impact on the quality of the sales you make.
Working with a content agency is an investment that pays off in the long term.
You've just spent about 4 minutes reading this article. Maybe it's a sign that you've just found your content marketing agency. Now let's talk about your needs.