How and why should you implement your communication strategy over the long term?


Successful communication is not just about creating a nice website and an account on the main social networks. To give your messages impact and establish your reputation, you need to carry out long-term communication actions. A successful digital strategy is not a sprint, but a long distance race, a real marathon!

Why is a long-term communication strategy essential to your company's development? What are the steps to implement to build a good, effective and sustainable B2B communication strategy? That's what we'll look at in this article.


Why make your communication strategy sustainable?


Whatever your field of activity, communication should not be considered in a punctual way. Only a long-term vision can allow you to develop your community and your sales.


Build a strong brand identity


There is nothing like a blog or a profile that has been inactive for several months (or even years) to scare away a prospect! It is better to be absent from a network than to give the impression of abandonment. On the contrary, regular and long-lasting communication gives a coherent and professional image of your company. You can thus reinforce your credibility with your target, become more easily identifiable and stand out from the competition.


Reinforce your notoriety


An active presence on different communication channels helps you improve your natural referencing on search engines. It is an essential lever to increase your visibility on the Internet and on social networks, to make yourself known to a wider audience and to generate new leads. In addition, the repetition and consistency of messages facilitate the memorization of your company and your products or services.


Build loyalty with your audience


A long-term communications strategy enables you to maintain a strong, constant link with your target audience. Regular sharing of high value-added content helps to maintain interest in your brand, reinforcing commitment and positive perception of your company. You stay top-of-mind and establish a lasting relationship of trust with your customers and prospects.


Follow the market evolution


By being present and active on the different networks, you develop a detailed knowledge of your competitors and your customers' expectations. This allows you to make more informed decisions and anticipate changes to remain competitive. A long-term strategy also offers you the opportunity to collect data on the effectiveness of the action plans put in place. By analyzing the information collected, you can adjust your messages accordingly and design a communication strategy that is adapted to new industry trends.


Helping your business grow


A sustainable communication strategy contributes to position you as a key player in your market. Audience loyalty can also help you strengthen your existing customer base: satisfied customers are the best ambassadors of your brand by recommending your products or services to their friends and family! This translates into increased sales and revenue, while reducing the marketing costs of acquiring new customers.

How to set up an effective and sustainable communication strategy?


Let's look at the steps to follow to ensure that your communication strategy is sustainable.


Define clear and measurable objectives


Start by establishing a roadmap using the SMART method. The goals set should be:

  • Specific, clear and precise, if possible with figures;
  • Measurable in terms of quantity or quality using key indicators (KPIs);
  • Ambitious to unite and motivate your teams;
  • Realistic given your budget and your human and material resources;
  • Temporally defined by a deadline and possible intermediate deadlines.


An example of a SMART goal might be to increase your website visitor conversion rate by 10% in the next six months.


Choose the right communication channels


Once you have defined your objectives, select the most relevant means of communication to convey your message. You have multiple digital communication tools at your disposal: website and blog, online advertising, social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn...), email marketing, etc. It can also be traditional media, such as print media, television, radio or trade shows. The communication channels chosen must be adapted according to:

  • your audience: focus on the channels where your target audience is most present;
  • the objectives to be reached: if you want to increase the visibility of your company, you can for example focus on the natural referencing of your website and social media;
  • your brand identity: digital tools such as social networks generally give a younger and more modern image than a traditional communication channel such as television advertising.


Don't hesitate to test different communication materials to find out which ones work best.


Create a long-term action plan


It is impossible to implement your communication strategy in the long term without planning! Just like a marketing plan, an effective communication plan must list :

  • the content to be created (editorial planning): blog articles, posts on social networks, newsletters, case studies, white papers, videos, motion design animations, etc. ;
  • Actions to be taken: community management, advertising, organization of webinars or professional events, etc. ;
  • deadlines to be met;
  • the technical, financial and human means necessary to achieve your objectives.

Maintain a consistent brand image


In order to reinforce the credibility and notoriety of your company in the long term, it is important to respect an editorial line, a tone and a graphic charter(logo, typography, colors, etc.) on all your communication channels. These elements must correspond to your values and your target. For even more consistency, encourage your employees to convey this same image through their exchanges with customers and prospects. Don't forget to regularly monitor your brand's reputation on the Internet (social networks, online forums, reviews) in order to be able to react quickly if necessary.


Refine your communication strategy


To keep your strategy effective in the long term, you need to evaluate the performance of your communication campaigns through monitoring and data analysis tools. You can also conduct surveys with your targets to measure their satisfaction and know their expectations. You then need to take these results into account to improve your B2B communication strategy. Be patient: regular, quality work always pays off! Every step you take brings you a little closer to success.


Use a communication agency


The use of a specialized agency is an effective solution to conduct a long-term communication strategy. Indeed, the communication agency has the necessary skills and tools to accompany you in all stages:

  • goal setting ;
  • choice of the most relevant communication channels;
  • content creation;
  • follow-up and analysis of your communication actions:
  • adjustment of the action plan, etc.


The financial investment that this represents is repaid by a gain in time and efficiency. You benefit from the expertise of a communications professional and can focus on developing your offerings. The agency also brings you a fresh external view of your company and your markets, which can help you identify new opportunities.


More than a simple service provider, Autour de l'Image is a real partner to inscribe your communication strategy in the long term and develop your business. Fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page to tell us about your needs!


About the author

Philippe Rigault

Philippe Rigault is the founding President of the agency Autour de l'Image. He assists clients in the development and animation of their communication strategy, combining advice, creativity, mentoring and common sense. Autour de l'Image is a global communication agency that simplifies the life of entrepreneurs. It brings together all the communication and marketing skills needed to develop sales and brand awareness.

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